New Orleans Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance
Printed: 9/11/2024 5:41:03 PM
8.1 Purpose Statements
8.1.A Purpose of the R-RE Rural Residential Estate District
The purpose of the R-RE Rural Residential Estate District is to provide for large-lot, estate-type residential areas that create a low density environment that relates to the natural environment. Certain non-residential uses such as places of worship and recreational uses are also allowed, when compatible with rural residential surroundings.
8.1.B Purpose of the M-MU Maritime Mixed-Use District
The purpose of the M-MU Maritime Mixed-Use District is to address environmentally-compatible residential and non-residential development in areas adjacent to wetlands and waterbodies, generally located in areas of the city with higher elevation and near existing access roads. The M-MU District is mixed-use in nature, where residential uses are found close to water-related non-residential uses such as fishing camps, seafood processing facilities, and marinas.