New Orleans Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance

Printed: 11/8/2024 6:32:49 PM

5.8 Planned Development Standards for Commercial Center Districts

5.8.A Intent   

The intent of these regulations is to provide flexibility in promoting integrated multi-use development with a variety of residential types and compatible businesses in proximity to each other. Planned development shall assure that site development is sensitive to environmental needs and will provide for compact development that promotes walkability, transit use and community reinvestment, and offers jobs in close proximity to residences. 

5.8.B Development Standards   

Table 5-3: Residential Standards for Planned Developments in Commercial Center Districts establishes the minimum lot area per dwelling unit for planned developments in those districts that allow residential uses. 

Table 5-3: Residential Standards for Planned Developments in Commercial Center Districts







Minimum lot area per Dwelling Unit1

SF: 2,250sf/du

2F: 1,700sf/du

MF: 800sf/du

Townhouse: 1,800sf/du

SF: 1,500sf/du

2F: 1,000sf/du

MF: 600sf/du

Townhouse: 1,800sf/du

Minimum lot area per Dwelling Unit WITH MAXIMUM DEVELOPMENT BONUS

SF: 1,575sf/du

2F: 1,190/du

MF:  560sf/du

Townhouse: 1,260sf/du

SF: 1,050sf/du

2F: 700sf/du

MF: 420sf/du

Townhouse: 1,260sf/du