New Orleans Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance
Printed: 9/11/2024 5:52:36 PM
4.7.B Initiation
Applications for minor map adjustments may be initiated by a property owner in the city or a person expressly authorized in writing by a property owner, the City Planning Commission, Director of the Department of Safety and Permits, and the City Council in the following instances:
1. Where subdivisions or resubdivisions would create a lot line that no longer coincides with an existing zoning district boundary on the Official Zoning Map or land use boundary on the Future Land Use Map.
2. Where split-lot zoning classification or split-lot land use designation occurs on the Official Zoning Map or land use boundary on the Future Land Use Map. Split-lot zoning or split-lot and use is defined as two (2) or more zoning classifications or land use designations applied to one (1) lot.
3. Where such minor map adjustment would result in uniform boundary lines.
Ord. No. 29,126, ยง4, Aug. 12, 2022, Zoning Docket 16/22