New Orleans Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance
Printed: 9/11/2024 7:09:37 PM
4.5.C Submittal Requirements
In addition to any other information required by this Ordinance, development plans shall be prepared at a scale of not more than fifty (50) feet to one (1) inch and contain the following information:
1. The name of the individual or firm preparing the plan.
2. The north arrow, scale, and date.
3. The boundaries and dimensions of the property involved, the general location of all existing easements, sector lines, property lines, existing streets, structures or waterways, and other significant physical features in or adjoining the project.
4. The approximate location and sizes of sanitary and storm sewers, water mains, culverts, and other underground utilities and structures in or near the project.
5. The general location and character of construction of any proposed streets, alleys, driveways, curb cuts, entrances and exits, loading areas, numbers of parking and loading spaces, exterior lighting systems, storm drainage, and sanitary facilities.
6. The approximate height of all proposed structures, principal and accessory, or major excavations in relation to heights of structures on adjoining property. The location should be drawn to scale but full dimensioning is not required.
7. Building elevations, locations, and dimensions.
8. General location of parking and site circulation.
9. General location, height, and material of all fences, walls, screening, and landscape.
10. A tabulation of the total gross area in square feet or acres of the project site and the floor area in square feet of any building(s) in the proposed development.
11. Landscape and stormwater management plan, where applicable.
12. Such other information as may be required in order to meet standards in the district in which the use is to be located.
13. A narrative description of how the proposed development addresses the design goals.
The Executive Director of the City Planning Commission may waive submittal requirements where such information is not necessary to determine the nature of the development or that the development meets relevant approval criteria.
Ord 28800 MCS, 10-21-21, ZD 56/21; Ord. No. 29,126, ยง4, Aug. 12, 2022, Zoning Docket 16/22