New Orleans Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance

Printed: 9/11/2024 5:22:13 PM

4.2 Zoning Text and Map Amendments

4.2.A Purpose   

The regulations imposed and the districts created and mapped under the authority of this Ordinance may be amended by the City Council in accordance with the provisions of this article. 

4.2.B Initiation   

Zoning text and map amendments are initiated as follows:

1.  The City Council may initiate a zoning text or map amendment by adoption of a motion.

2.  A property owner in the city or a person expressly authorized in writing by an owner may file an application for a text amendment.

3.  A property owner in the city or a person expressly authorized in writing by the owner may file an application for a zoning map amendment for the area of land for which the map amendment is requested. 

Adopted by Ord. No. 29,126, §4, Aug. 12, 2022, Zoning Docket 16/22

4.2.C Authority   

The City Council shall take formal action on requests for zoning text or map amendments after receiving a recommendation from the City Planning Commission, in accordance with Sections 5-406 and 5-407 of the City Charter.

4.2.D Procedure   

4.2.D.1 Submittal of Application   

a.  All applications shall be filed with the Executive Director of the City Planning Commission in accordance with the requirements of Section 3.2 and reviewed for completeness by the Executive Director.

b.  Amendments initiated by the City Council require a complete application, but may be exempt from fees. If it is the City Council’s intent to waive the fee, the waiver and the fee amount shall be stated in the motion initiating the request. Applications may also be exempt from Neighborhood Participation Program requirements for good cause.  If it is the intent of the City Council to waive the NPP requirement, that should be stated in the motion initiating the request.

Adopted by Ord. No. 29,126, §4, Aug. 12, 2022, Zoning Docket 16/22

4.2.D.2 Pre-Application Meeting and Project Neighborhood Participation Program   

All applications for zoning text and map amendments shall include a Project Neighborhood Participation Program (Project NPP).   Zoning text and Zoning map amendments covering less than one city square or its equivalent are subject to the Project NPP.  Zoning map amendments covering more than one city square or its equivalent are subject to a Project NPP meeting requirement, although required notice of the meeting shall only be through registered neighborhood associations and an electronic City notification system such as NoticeMe or another similar system.  Until all required NPP documents are submitted to CPC staff, including the meeting notice letter, sign-in sheets, and NPP meeting summary, the request will not be deemed complete for the purpose of a completeness review as provided in Section 3.2.B.  The City Council may require the party of interest to undergo the NPP process prior to the motion being acted on by the City Council.  During a time of declared emergency by the Governor or Mayor, when in-person meetings are not an available option, the City Planning Commission Director shall be authorized to require teleconferencing, virtual, or other remote meeting formats to satisfy NPP requirements.  The City Planning Commission Director is authorized to make a determination that an Overlay District text amendment is minor if it does not expand entitlements that increase intensity or density of uses in a manner that could negatively impact adjacent residential districts.  Minor text amendments shall not be subject to the NPP process.  However, the impacted district Councilmember or At-Large Councilmember may require an NPP by the applicant for minor text amendments.

a.  Applicants shall first meet with the staff of the City Planning Commission to become familiar with the procedure and approval standards for zoning text and map amendments and to obtain guidance on the requirements of the Project NPP.

b.  The Project NPP shall include the following information:

i.  A brief description of the proposal.  Map amendment applications shall include the type of land use request, the name of the existing and proposed zoning district, and the article of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance.  Text amendment applications shall include the citation and existing language of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, if applicable, the proposed changes or additions to the language of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and which zoning district(s) the amendment would affect.

ii.  For map amendments, an outlined area map and a contact list for notifying the individuals and entities identified in Section 3.3.

iii.  A general description of how parties on the contact list will receive information on the project, including a statement as to which public notification techniques will be used for the project.

iv. A general description of how parties on the contact list will be informed of any changes or amendments to the proposed project after the applicant’s initial contact.

v. A statement as to how those impacted by the proposal will be provided an opportunity to discuss the request if issues or questions should continue or suddenly arise.

c.  The applicant shall provide the typed Project NPP and notice, including email notification to applicable registered neighborhood associations, of an opportunity for interested parties to attend a meeting to discuss the proposed application not less than fourteen (14) nor more than thirty (30) days after the date on which the applicant provides notification to the parties on the contact list.  In addition, the applicant shall notify the City Planning Commission of the meeting date, time, and location not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting.  The applicant shall hold the meeting at the noticed time.  The applicant shall distribute informational handouts to meeting attendees.  The handouts shall include information about the requested zoning district, registering with City notification system(s), accessing application documents and NPP meeting summary reports.  For the purposes of this section, meetings may be held in a physical location that is in accordance with the City Planning Commission's Administrative Rules, Policies and Procedures, except for zoning text and zoning map amendments covering at least one city square which may be allowed virtually or telephonically.  The notice provided in accordance with this section shall include a brief description of the request and shall indicate the existing zoning classification of the subject property and the zoning classification the applicant intends to request and the citation of the zoning district name and article. 

d.  The applicant shall submit a Project NPP report with the application. The report shall provide the following information:

i. The names of the individuals and entities that were notified and the total number of number of people that participated in the process. 

ii. A list of the concerns, issues, and problems expressed by the participants.

iii. A statement as to how each concern, issue, and problem is addressed and how the applicant intends to continue to address them. If the concern, issue, or problem is not being addressed, the applicant shall state the reasons.

iv.  Copies of letters, affidavits, meeting invitations, newsletters, publications, and petitions received in support of or in opposition to the proposed project, and any other materials pertaining to the notification process.

v.  The date, time, and location of all meetings held with interested parties or a statement indicating the reasons if no meeting was held. No information pertaining to any meeting held more than one hundred eighty (180) days prior to the submittal of the application shall be accepted as part of the Project NPP report, except where subsequent meetings with interested parties have occurred within the one hundred eighty (180) days preceding the submittal of the Project NPP report.

vi.  A completed sign-in sheet that includes the names, addresses, and contact information for meeting attendees.

Adopted by Ord. No. 27,222, §2, Dec. 20, 2016, Zoning Docket 99/16; Ord. 28782 MCS, 9-23-21, ZD 46/21; Ord. 29084 MCS, 7-7-22, ZD 017/22

4.2.D.3 Action by City Planning Commission   

a.  The City Planning Commission shall conduct a public hearing on a proposed zoning amendment in accordance with Section 3.4 fifty (50) days from the date the application is docketed. Notice of the public hearing is required in accordance with Section 3.3.

b.  After the close of the public hearing, the City Planning Commission shall make a recommendation. Based upon the evidence presented at the public hearing, the City Planning Commission shall evaluate the application against the applicable standards in Paragraph E below.

c.  The City Planning Commission shall recommend approval, modified approval, or denial sixty (60) days from the opening of the public hearing.  The City Planning Commission may also vote to defer action within City Charter required timeframes in cases where it discovers applicants have not submitted complete and accurate information, including but not limited to errors or omissions in following the Project NPP.  The failure to resolve a finding of incomplete or inaccurate information may be grounds for recommending denial.  If the City Planning Commission fails to act by a vote of the majority of the Commission members, the application will be forwarded to the City Council without recommendation of no legal majority. The City Planning Commission’s written recommendations, together with the staff report and recommendation, if any, shall be filed with the Clerk of the City Council. 

Adopted by Ord. No. 27,222, §2, Dec. 20, 2016, Zoning Docket 99/16

4.2.D.4 Action by City Council   

a.  The City Council shall hold a public hearing in accordance with its rules and take action by motion of approval, modified approval, or denial sixty (60) days from receipt of a City Planning Commission recommendation. The City Council may not take official action upon any application requiring a recommendation of the City Planning Commission until the report of the Commission has been received or, if the City Planning Commission has failed to act by a vote of the majority of the Commission members, once the application has been forwarded to the City Council without recommendation.

b.  If the City Council fails to take action by motion sixty (60) days from receipt of the City Planning Commission recommendation, the application is denied. If the application is forwarded to the City Council without recommendation from the City Planning Commission and the City Council fails to take action by motion sixty (60) days from the date it received the application, the application is denied.

c.  If the City Council takes action by motion of approval or modified approval, the City Council may forward the motion to the City Law Department for preparation of an ordinance.  If the ordinance is introduced by the City Council, the ordinance shall lay over for a minimum of twenty (20) days following introduction before the Council may adopt it. The City Council's adoption of a motion shall not be construed as an approval of a zoning matter unless and until an ordinance is introduced and adopted in accordance with the Charter; introduction of an ordinance does not indicate the City Council's approval of a zoning matter.  Failure by the City Council to take action on a zoning ordinance within ninety (90) days of the date the City Council took action by motion shall mean that the application is denied.

4.2.E Approval Standards   

The City Planning Commission recommendation and the City Council decision on any zoning text or map amendment are matters of legislative discretion. In making their recommendation and decision, the City Planning Commission and the City Council shall consider the standards in Table 4-1: Standards for Zoning Amendments below.

Table 4-1: Standards for Zoning Amendments




1. The proposed amendment is compatible with the Master Plan and Future Land Use Map.



2. The proposed amendment is compatible with the place designations of this Ordinance.



3.The proposed amendment is compatible with existing use and zoning of nearby property.



4. The proposed amendment promotes the public health, safety and welfare of the City.



5. The proposed amendment is a more suitable zoning classification for the property than the current classification.



6. Based upon the length of time that the property in question has been vacant, the proposed amendment is a more suitable zoning classification for the property than the current classification considered in the context of development in the area where the property is located.



7. The proposed amendment is compatible with the intent and general regulations of this Ordinance.



8. The proposed amendment corrects an error or omission, adds clarification to existing requirements, or reflects a change in policy.



9. The proposed amendment benefits the citizens of the City as a whole.



10. The proposed amendment provides a more workable way to achieve the intent and purposes of this Ordinance and the Master Plan.



11. The proposed amendment does not create a significant number of nonconformities.



12. The proposed amendment is compatible with the trend of development, if any, in the general area of the property in question.



4.2.F Appeals   

An aggrieved party may appeal a City Council decision on a zoning map or text amendment to Orleans Parish Civil District Court within thirty (30) days of the date of the decision by the City Council, 30 days of the date upon which the City Council action is final resulting in a denial, takes no action on a matter at the last possible Council meeting before a deadline resulting in a denial, or the date the ordinance is adopted by the Council, thereby giving approval.

Adopted by Ord. No. 29,126, §4, Aug. 12, 2022, Zoning Docket 16/22

4.2.Chart Zoning Amendment Process   

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