New Orleans Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance

Printed: 2/17/2025 12:32:51 PM

28.7 Parking Reductions

Ord 28178, 9-5-19, ZD 49/19; Ord. 28739, 7-15-21, ZD 35/21; Ord. 29566, 8-1-23, Zoning Docket 014-23

28.7.1 Affordable Rental Housing Developments   

Multi-family housing developments located in an MIZ district may be eligible for parking reductions when located in a base zoning district that requires parking.

A.        An applicable multi-family housing development may be eligible for a ten percent (10%) reduction of the base zoning’s off-street parking requirement by-right and up to a thirty percent (30%) reduction of the base zoning's off-street parking requirement when located within a 600 foot radius of a transit stop.

B.        A development located in a transitional submarket that is voluntarily providing at least five percent (5%) of units priced at sixty percent (60%) AMI, may also utilize a 10-30% parking reduction in accordance with the calculation described above in Section 28.7.1.A.

Adopted by Ord. 29566, 8-1-23, Zoning Docket 014-23

28.7.2 For-Sale Housing Developments   

A.        For-sale affordable housing developments voluntarily providing fewer than ten (10) for-sale dwelling units that set aside at least one (1) unit OR developments containing ten (10) or more for-sale dwelling units that set-aside at least ten percent (10%) of units up to 120% Area Medium Income or less shall be granted a fifty percent (50%) parking reduction.

Adopted by Ord. 29566, 8-1-23, Zoning Docket 014-23