New Orleans Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance

Printed: 10/8/2024 11:34:14 PM

23.1 Purpose

The landscape and screening requirements established by this Article are intended to:

A.   Assist in the development of a sustainable New Orleans by encouraging sustainable practices for landscape design, construction and landscape maintenance.

B. Reduce urban runoff and mitigate the effect of new development, redevelopment, or infill development on the existing drainage system by ensuring the preservation of permeable surfaces and requiring the installation of stormwater Best Management Practice (BMPs) to slow surface flow of stormwater runoff and promote filtration, plant uptake, absorption, and infiltration into sub-soils to reduce subsidence rates.

C.  Increase compatibility between abutting land uses and between land uses and public rights-of-way by providing landscape screening or buffers.

D.  Provide for the conservation of water resources through the efficient use of irrigation, appropriate mix of plant materials, recycling water elements, and regular maintenance of landscaped areas.

E.  Protect public health, safety, and welfare by preserving and enhancing the positive visual experience of the built environment, promoting urban forestry, providing appropriate transition between different land uses, preserving neighborhood character, and enhancing pedestrian and vehicular traffic safety.

F.  Reduce the urban heat island effect, enhance the local micro-climate, increase species biodiversity, reduce consumption of energy by proper placement of shade trees and incorporate tree canopy concepts as set forth in the City’s Master Plan. 

Ord. 27,683 MCS, ยง6, March 6, 2018, Zoning Docket 086-17