New Orleans Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance

Printed: 2/17/2025 10:17:09 AM

22.8.A Permitted Vehicle Parking Locations

22.8.A.1 Residential Uses   

a.  All required off-street vehicle parking spaces for residential uses and the residential component of mixed-use developments shall be located on the same lot as the building or use served, unless otherwise authorized by this Ordinance.

b.  For all residential dwellings, required vehicle parking spaces are permitted in private driveways or parking pads, but are prohibited in the following areas (a driveway leading to a required off-street parking space may be located in a required yard area):

      i. on non-vehicular public rights-of-way.

     ii. between the front facade of any building and the nearest point of the front yard property line, unless in accordance with Section 22.11.B.1.a.i.

     iii. between the facade of any building and the nearest point of the corner side yard property line.

c.  Tandem vehicle parking is permitted for residential uses but both spaces shall be allotted to the same dwelling unit and located on the same lot as the dwelling.

d.  For single-family and two-family dwellings where there is alley access, all vehicle parking areas shall be accessed from the alley and all vehicle parking areas shall be located in the rear yard.

Adopted by Ord. 29126, 8-12-22, ZD016/22

22.8.A.2 Non-Residential Uses   

a.  Vehicle parking for a non-residential use must be located on the same lot or a separate lot within three-hundred (300) feet of the use served. If required off-street vehicle parking spaces on a separate lot are located within three-hundred (300) feet of the principal use, they are subject to the following standards:

i.  The three-hundred (300) foot distance is measured along designated pedestrian walking paths, using the nearest point of the lot on which its required parking will be provided.

ii.  When vehicle parking for a non-residential use is located within three-hundred (300) feet of the use, the parking lot is a permitted use in a non-residential district and a conditional use in a residential district. Accessory off-street parking lots serving non-residential uses in a residential district require a conditional use and are subject to the following requirements:

(A)  The parking lot shall be accessory to and used in connection with one (1) or more non-residential uses located in an adjoining district.

(B)  The parking lot shall be used solely for the parking of passenger automobiles.

iii.  Each driveway from said parking lot shall be at least five (5) feet from any lot line shared with a lot in a residential district, except where ingress and egress to the parking lot is provided from a public right-of-way that separates the lot from other residential lots.

iv.  The maximum three-hundred (300) foot distance restriction does not apply to:

(A)  Valet parking services

(B)  Open space uses

(C)  Marinas within the Suburban Neighborhood Districts

b.  In all Historic Core Districts, mixed-use/non-residential uses in all Historic Urban Neighborhood Districts, the MU-1, MU-2 and the C-1 Districts, parking is prohibited in the following areas (a driveway leading to a required off-street parking space may be located in a required yard area):

     i. on non-vehicular public rights-of-way.

     ii. between the front facade of any building and the nearest point of the front yard property line.

     iii. between the facade of any building and the nearest point of the corner side yard property line.

     iv. within five (5) feet of the front property line when the mixed-use/non-residential property is located on a corner lot.

c.  A recorded parking covenant or agreement shall be filed with the Department of Safety and Permits and the Office of Conveyances. Such encumbrance shall be valid for the total period that the use or uses for which the parking is needed are in existence. If the off-site parking is no longer available, the use has one-hundred eighty (180) days from that date to accommodate all required off-street parking or to apply for a variance. If the use is unable to accommodate the parking or fails to apply for a variance, then the certificate of occupancy will be revoked. The certificate of occupancy may be reinstated when the required parking is provided, a variance is approved, or a new parking agreement is filed with the Department of Safety and Permits and the Office of Conveyances.

Adopted by Ord. 29126, 8-12-22, ZD016/22