New Orleans Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance

Printed: 10/8/2024 10:37:28 PM

22.5 Exemptions and Flexibilities

22.5.A Exemptions from Vehicle Parking Requirements   

1.  All Historic Core Neighborhood Districts, the HU-B1A District, and the Central Business District are exempt from the vehicle parking requirements of Table 22-1. However, the HMC-2 District and HM-MU District are not eligible for this exemption.

2.  In the Historic Urban Neighborhood Districts, all single-family and two-family dwellings on lots of thirty (30) feet or less in lot width are exempt from all off-street vehicle parking requirements.

3.  The principal use “neighborhood commercial establishment” is exempt from all off-street vehicle parking requirements.

4.  In the Historic Urban Neighborhood Districts, where forty percent (40%) of existing single-family or two-family dwellings on a blockface, as of the effective date of this Ordinance, have been developed with no off-street vehicle parking, a single-family or two-family dwelling on that blockface may be rebuilt without off-street vehicle parking. If a blockface contains no single- or two-family dwellings, this exemption does not apply.

5. The first three-thousand (3,000) square feet in gross floor area for commercial uses in the HMC-2 District are exempt from the vehicle parking requirements of Table 22-1.

6.  The first five-thousand (5,000) square feet in gross floor area for commercial uses in the HU-B1, HU-MU and MU-1 Districts are exempt from the vehicle parking requirements of Table 22-1. Those commercial uses five-thousand (5,000) square feet or less in gross floor area located within a shopping center configuration are not eligible for this exemption and shall provide the required vehicle parking for a shopping center.

7. When a commercial use's parking requirement is not based on square feet of floor area, the amount of exempt parking spaces shall be calculated based on the ratio of the SF exemption to the GFA of the use, including all ancillary uses.

Adopted by Ord. 29126, 8-12-22, ZD016/22

22.5.B On-Street Spaces to Count Toward Parking Requirements   

1.  In the HU-MU, C-1, C-2, C-3, MU-1 and MU-2 Districts, on-street parking spaces located along the front or side property line may be counted toward required off-street parking spaces for commercial uses. New on-street parking spaces may also be created to count toward required off-street parking but shall be located along the side or front property line, and shall be accessible twenty-four (24) hours a day. Where on-street parking spaces are unmarked, the number of parking spaces is calculated by dividing the length of the on-street parking area located parallel to the property line of the property under consideration divided by twenty-one (21), where a fraction of less than one-half (½) is disregarded, and a fraction of one-half (½) or more is counted as one (1) space. Where on-street parking spaces are marked, each marked space counts as one (1) required parking space, including any space where at least fifty percent (50%) of the width is located along the property line of the property under consideration. In a multi-tenant structure, all commercial tenants may utilize this provision. (Figure 22-1: On-Street Parking Space Consideration Standard)

2.  Any subsequent change in the availability of on-street parking used to meet off-street parking requirements requires proof that the minimum parking requirements, per this Article, have been met. When on-street parking is made unavailable, the use has one-hundred eighty (180) days from that date to accommodate all required off-street parking or to apply for a variance. If the use cannot accommodate the parking or fails to apply for a variance, then the certificate of occupancy will be revoked. The certificate of occupancy may be reinstated when the required parking is provided or a variance is approved.



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Adopted by Ord. 29126, 8-12-22, ZD016/22

22.5.C Exemptions from Bicycle Parking Requirements   

1.  The Director of Safety and Permits may authorize a reduction in the number of required bicycle parking spaces, or a modification of the design standards in this Article, where normal compliance is impractical or impossible, or a design proposal offers superior results.

Adopted by Ord. 29126, 8-12-22, ZD016/22

22.5.D Exemption for Approved Parking Management Plan in the EC Educational Campus District   

1. In the EC District, exemptions to required off-street parking requirements may be granted based on submittal and approval of a parking management plan, which is approved by the City Planning Commission and the Department of Public Works. Exemptions may be granted for the implementation and demonstrated effectiveness of parking and transportation alternatives that provide students, employees, and visitors to the campus with mobility options designed to reduce demand for parking on campus and relieve congestion on adjacent streets.

2. Reductions in parking requirements will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, with a potential reduction of 30% when it is clear that the parking and transportation alternative(s) will result in a corresponding reduction in parking demand.

3. A campus-wide parking management plan shall be submitted as part of the Institutional Master Plan, and shall include the following information:

a. The number, size, location, access, and general operation and management of all required and proposed on-site and off-site parking and loading spaces.

b. Traffic demand management strategies including, but not limited to:

i. Available public transportation options.

ii. Existing and proposed shuttle services.

iii. Bicycle parking.

iv. Facility design, operation, shared vehicle, and/or parking strategies.

v. Enforcement and controls.

vi. Overflow management strategies.

c. A parking and trip demand analysis prepared by a certified Traffic Engineer, including any trip reduction and/or travel demand measures requesting a reduction in the required number of parking spaces. 

22.5.E Vehicle Space Reduction for Bicycle Spaces   

1.  The following reductions in the number of vehicle parking spaces are permitted when non-required bicycle parking and facilities are provided.

a.  For every six (6) non-required bicycle parking spaces provided that meet the bicycle parking standards, a non-residential use is permitted a reduction of one (1) vehicle parking space. A reduction up to two (2) required vehicle parking spaces is permitted.

b.  Where a non-residential use provides shower facilities for use by bicyclists, a reduction of up to two (2) vehicle parking spaces is permitted.

2.  Where a university educational facility provides additional bicycle parking spaces of one hundred twenty percent (120%) or more of that required, the university is permitted a vehicle parking space reduction of up to ten percent (10%).

22.5.F Reduction of off-street vehicle parking space requirements for voluntary installation of level 2 and level 3 electric vehicle charging stations:   

1. The following reductions in the number of required vehicle parking spaces are permitted when non-required EV Charging Stations are voluntarily installed:

a. Where 10% of more of required off-street vehicle parking spaces provide installation of Level 2 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations, a 10% reduction of the off-street parking space requirement is permitted.

b. Where 10% of more of required off-street vehicle parking spaces provide installation of Level 3 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations, a 20% reduction of off-street vehicle parking space requirements is permitted.

2. These benefits may be combined for a maximum of a 30% reduction of off-street vehicle parking space requirements.

3. Uses required to provide installation of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations are eligible for the above reductions if:

a. Providing a greater number of Electric Charging Station installations that required per Section 22.4.A General Requirements Table 22-1, and

b. The above conditions are met in Section 22.4.A.

Adopted by Ord. 29528, 7-24-23, Zoning Docket 13/23