New Orleans Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance
Printed: 2/17/2025 11:40:47 AM
22.11.B Curb Cuts
1. Curb cuts shall be limited to as few as possible, as determined by and with the permission of the Department of Public Works. Single-family dwellings are limited to one (1) curb cut, except as permitted below.
a. Circular drives are permitted only in the Rural Residential and Suburban Neighborhood Districts, except in the S-LRS1 District where they are prohibited. Circular drives shall meet all of the following standards:
i. An area is provided in the drive for a parking space. The parking space accessed by a circular drive shall be allowed to be located in between the front property line and the front facade of the principal structure.
ii. There is a minimum of three (3) feet between the drive and the side lot lines.
iii. The lot width is fifty (50) feet or greater.
iv. Approval is received from the Department of Public Works regarding the curb cuts.
v. None of the required yard and bulk requirements are violated.
b. In the Suburban Neighborhood Districts, where existing two-family dwellings have been developed with two (2) curb cuts serving two (2) driveways, the curb cut and driveway configurations are deemed conforming and may be repaired, maintained, and replaced.
2. Curb cuts are limited to a maximum width of twenty-four (24) feet for two-way circulation, and a maximum width of twelve (12) feet for one-way circulation unless the Director of the Department of Public Workds determines that circumstances require wider curb cuts for turning efficiency and/or safety. Curb cut widths are measured where a curb cut intersects with the property line.
3. Curb cuts are prohibited over the critical root zone of any tree as determined by the Department of Parks and Parkways.
4. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Article, curb cuts for off-street parking or loading facilities are prohibited on the streets listed below (See Figure 22-9: Prohibited Curb Cut Locations). If no other means of vehicle access is available on these streets, a conditional use may be applied for but, as part of the evaluation, the Department of Public Works shall certify that there is no way to provide access on some other street. The following streets are restricted:
a. St. Charles Avenue, Howard Avenue to Canal Street, including the curvilinear portion of St. Charles Avenue that abuts the public space known as Lee Circle.
b. Canal Street, Claiborne Avenue to Convention Center Boulevard.
c. Magazine Street, Calliope Street to Canal Street.
d. Poydras Street, Claiborne Avenue to Convention Center Boulevard.
e. Julia Street, St. Charles Avenue to Convention Center Boulevard.
f. Camp Street, Andrew Higgins Drive to Canal Street.
g. Andrew Higgins Drive, St. Charles Avenue to Convention Center Boulevard.
h. N. Rampart Street, Canal Street to Iberville Street.
i. Howard Avenue, St. Charles Avenue to Baronne Street.
j. Baronne Street, Howard Avenue to Canal Street.
k. Convention Center Boulevard, Canal Street to Calliope Street.
l. Loyola Avenue, Canal Street to Calliope Street.
m. Carondelet Street, Canal Street to Howard Avenue.
n. Bourbon Street, Canal Street to Iberville Street.
o. Tulane Avenue, North Claiborne Avenue to Loyola Avenue/Elk Place.
p. Entire length of West End Boulevard.
q. Entire length of Pontchartrain Boulevard.
r. Royal Street, Canal Street to Iberville Street.
s. Decatur Street, Canal Street to Iberville Street.
t. Chartres Street, Canal Street to Iberville Street.
u. Dauphine Street, Canal Street to Iberville Street.

Ord. 29126, 8-12-22, ZD016/22; Ord. 29148, 9-1-22, ZD 42/22