New Orleans Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance
Printed: 2/17/2025 12:00:30 PM
22.11.A Driveway Design
22.11.A.1 Residential Driveways, Excluding Multi-Family and Townhouse Dwellings
a. A residential driveway that provides access to a garage is limited to a maximum of twelve (12) feet in width at the front property line. A driveway apron, the width of the garage, as measured from the garage walls, is permitted to extend for a distance (depth) of twenty (20) feet from the garage doors before tapering back to the required driveway width for access to the additional spaces. Driveways that do not terminate in a garage are limited to twelve (12) feet in width. (See Figure 22-8: Residential Driveway Width). The Department of Safety & Permits Director may exercise discretion of this general rule based on the location of the garage and its distance from the curb.
b. Driveways shall be located a minimum of one (1) foot from the side lot line. However, a residential driveway may be shared by adjacent lots. This shared driveway location is only allowed if agreed to by the owners of each lot, and the agreement is recorded as a shared driveway servitude on each plat of survey and submitted to the Department of Safety and Permits.
c. Driveways shall have a maximum length of 1,000 feet except in industrial zoning districts (LI, HI, MI and BIP). Hospitals or educational facilities in any zoning district are exempt from this provision.

Adopted by Ord. 29126, 8-12-22, ZD016/22; Ord. 30117, 11-12-24, ZD055/24
22.11.A.2 Multi-Family and Townhouse Dwellings, and Non-Residential Driveways
a. Except for access to loading berths, driveways shall be a maximum of twelve (12) feet in width for one-way drives, and a maximum of twenty-four (24) feet in width for two-way drives, subject to review by the Department of Public Works. Driveways shall have a maximum length of 1,000 feet except in industrial zoning districts (LI, HI, MI and BIP). Hospitals or educational facilities in any zoning district are exempt from the maximum length provision.
b. Driveways, off-street parking areas and access aisles for multi-family residential and non-residential parking lots shall be designed in accordance with Figure 22-2.
Adopted by Ord. 30117, 11-12-24, ZD055/24