New Orleans Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance
Printed: 10/3/2024 5:44:28 PM
18.1 Application of Overlay Zoning Districts
18.1.A Creation, Modification, and Removal of Overlay Zoning Districts
1. Overlay zoning districts may be created or removed through concurrent zoning text and map amendments in accordance with the process in Section 4.2.
2. Overlay zoning district regulations may be modified through a zoning text amendment in accordance with the process in Section 4.2.
3. Overlay zoning district boundaries may be modified through a zoning map amendment in accordance with the process in Section 4.2.
18.1.B Intent, Relation to Base Zoning Districts, and Rules Governing the Application of Multiple Overlays
Overlay zoning districts are designed to require special controls in certain areas of the City that have special characteristics or special development issues. The intent of an overlay zoning district is to provide common controls over areas that require a specific type of zoning control but are typically zoned with more than one (1) base zoning district. Unless modified by the overlay zoning district regulations, the regulations of the base zoning district apply. Whenever a lot and/or development site, as defined below, is covered by more than one overlay zoning district, the regulations of each overlay zoning district shall apply, except that where the regulations of such overlay zoning districts contain an actual, implied or apparent conflict, the more restrictive regulation shall apply unless stated otherwise.
18.1.C Application of Overlay Zoning Districts to Off-Site Accessory Uses
Except as otherwise provide for in this Ordinance, the regulations of an overlay zoning district apply to:
(1) The entirety of any lot located within the area of applicability of an overlay zoning district;
(2) The entirety of any lot that is occupied by an off-site accessory use, including but not limited to off-street parking, that is incidental and subordinate to a principal use that is located on a lot within the area of applicability of an overlay zoning district;
(3) The entirety of any lot on which any portion of a principal or accessory building is constructed, where some portion of the use occupying such building is located on a lot that is indicated within the area of applicability of an overlay zoning district.