New Orleans Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance

Printed: 2/17/2025 11:00:11 AM

17.2 Purpose Statements

17.2.A CBD-1 Core Central Business District   

The CBD-1 Core Central Business District is intended for high-density, mixed-use development that accommodates a wide range of uses, including large office, financial, and commercial services uses that serve the local, regional, and national markets, as well as multi-family housing, retail, entertainment, hotel, government, and institutional uses.

17.2.B CBD-2 Historic Commercial and Mixed-Use District   

The CBD-2 Historic Commercial and Mixed-Use District is intended to provide for the reuse of existing structures in historic districts and along prominent mixed-use corridors that frame the Central Business District. Buildings in the CBD-2 District provide small floor plates for office, retail, institutional, and residential uses that support the vitality of the Central Business District as a destination for residents and visitors. The CBD-2 District addresses unique corridors and historic districts within the Central Business District, including Convention Center Boulevard, the Picayune Place Historic District, and the central portion of Canal Street.

17.2.C CBD-3 Cultural Arts District   

The CBD-3 Cultural Arts District is intended to create a cultural and entertainment destination through the clustering of museum, cultural, performing arts, and supporting visitor services uses. The CBD-3 District is also intended to accommodate a mixture of residential, retail, and other commercial uses for residents and visitors. The CBD-3 District is specifically intended to address the music and theater corridor along and adjacent to the intersection of Basin, Rampart, and Canal Streets, and theaters and museum uses along Magazine Street and Howard Avenue.

17.2.D CBD-4 Exposition District   

The CBD-4 Exposition District is intended for large destination uses and related services which generate high volumes of visitor traffic. The CBD-4 District addresses unique large-scale uses like the Superdome, Arena, and Convention Center.

17.2.E CBD-5 Urban Core Neighborhood Lower Intensity Mixed-Use District   

The CBD-5 Urban Core Neighborhood Lower Intensity Mixed-Use District is intended to provide for a downtown neighborhood environment through a mix of housing types and supporting residential services and commercial uses conveniently situated with respect to employment opportunities. The CBD-5 District is intended to accommodate a lower concentration of certain commercial uses than the CBD-6 District, and is particularly suited for the area around Lafayette Square and surrounding areas.

17.2.F CBD-6 Urban Core Neighborhood Mixed-Use District   

The CBD-6 Urban Core Neighborhood Intensity Mixed-Use District is intended to provide for a downtown neighborhood environment with a mix of housing types, supporting residential services and commercial uses conveniently situated with respect to employment opportunities. The CBD-6 District is intended to accommodate a higher concentration of certain commercial uses than the CBD-5 District, and is particularly suited for the Warehouse District.

17.2.G CBD-7 Bio-Science District   

The CBD-7 Bio-Science District is intended for large-scale bio-science campuses and supportive services. Standards for the CBD-7 District address the unique development of a large campus and its supportive services in order to create proper transitions from the campus to adjacent uses, as well as specific regulations for the core of the district.  

17.2.H Purpose of the Central Business Districts Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning Sub-Districts   

The Central Business Districts Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning Sub-Districts are intended to include mandatory affordable housing requirements, in accordance with Article 28, in districts that allow the development of ten or more dwelling units.