New Orleans Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance

Printed: 9/11/2024 9:00:09 PM

16.3.B Building Design Standards

1.  The following standards shall apply to all sites except those buildings or portions thereof that are not visible from the public right-of-way.

a.  Nearly vertical roofs (A-frames) and piecemeal mansard roofs used on a portion of the building perimeter are prohibited.

b.  Reflective roof materials that produce glare are prohibited.

2.  The following standards shall apply to all sites that meet the applicability thresholds of Section 4.5 Development Plan and Design Review:

a.  Buildings shall use decorative roof elements, such as projecting cornices, to define building entrances, main pedestrian routes, or activity areas.

b.  Green roof, blue roof, and white roof designs are encouraged.

c.  In the LI and BIP Districts, multi-building complexes shall develop a comprehensive architectural concept within a campus-like design. Various site components shall be unified through the use of similar design features, construction, material, and colors. Buildings within such complexes shall be compatible in height and scale.

d.   The design of accessory structures, such as security kiosks, maintenance buildings, and outdoor equipment enclosures, shall be incorporated into and compatible in design with the overall design of the project and the principal buildings on the site.

16.3.B.3 Building Materials   

a.  The following materials are prohibited as the predominant surface finish material on exterior elevations visible from the public right-of-way. However, such materials may be used as part of decorative or detail elements, or as part of the exterior construction that is not used as a predominant surface finish material.

i.   EIFS panels

ii. Stuccato Board

iii.  Vinyl