New Orleans Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance

Printed: 10/15/2024 12:44:45 AM

16.1 Purpose Statements

16.1.A Purpose of the LI Light Industrial District   

The LI Light Industrial District is intended to provide for a wide variety of light manufacturing, fabricating, processing, wholesale distributing and warehousing uses appropriately located near or adjacent to major thoroughfares or railroads for access. Commercial uses and open storage of materials are permitted. Light industrial uses are typically low-intensity, non-nuisance light fabrication and assembly-type manufacturing, as well as office and research and development (R&D) facilities.

16.1.B Purpose of the HI Heavy Industrial District   

The HI Heavy Industrial District is intended to provide for industrial operations of all types with the appropriate design and development standards to assure protection of the public interest and surrounding property and persons. Heavy industrial uses are higher intensity manufacturing, warehouse, and storage uses. These manufacturing uses may produce moderate external effects such as smoke, noise, glare, or vibration.

16.1.C Purpose of the MI Maritime Industrial District   

The MI Maritime Industrial District is intended to provide for water-related and maritime shipping-related industrial operations, in particular port operations. The MI District protects deepwater resources by limiting the types of industrial users allowed within the district. In addition, limited marine-oriented commercial and recreational uses are allowed within a sub-district of the MI District, subject to special design standards. 

16.1.D Purpose of the BIP Business-Industrial Park District   

The BIP Business-Industrial Park District is intended to provide appropriate locations for certain types of business and light industrial facilities in well-designed and landscaped campus environments, and provide employment opportunities near residential areas. Supporting commercial uses are permitted, primarily for service to employees in the district. Typical development in the district would be that which is commonly known as an office and industrial park.