New Orleans Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance

Printed: 4/25/2024 5:48:32 AM

15.5.A Institutional Master Plan Required

In an EC or MC District, an Institutional Master Plan (IMP) shall be submitted to the City Planning Commission within  three-hundred sixty-five (365) days of the effective date of this ordinance. If the institution fails to submit the IMP within  365 days, the base district regulations shall become the effective IMP automatically until a formally submitted IMP is approved. 

Until the IMP is approved, projects classified as permitted uses (both main and accessory) in the EC or MC Districts may proceed through permitting, subject to compliance with all relevant parking, bulk and yard, and development standards, and any administrative design review processes required by this ordinance (where applicable).  Those uses classified as conditional uses may be reviewed through the conditional use process in Article 4, Section 4.3.   Those projects that do not meet the parking, bulk and yard, and development standards of the underlying district, shall also be reviewed through the conditional use process.

There are two types of Institutional Master Plans:

Ord No. 027883, ยง1, October 10, 2018, Zoning Docket 079/18

15.5.A.1 Permitted Development   

If the proposed Institutional Master Plan complies with the base district regulations and all uses are those permitted within the district and meet the standards of the district (i.e., no conditional use approval required), then the IMP is reviewed and approved by the City Planning Commission. Permitted uses are those identified as such in Table 15-1. 

15.5.A.2 Conditional Development   

If the proposed IMP requires modification to the base district standards, including landscape and parking, and/or any uses within the IMP require conditional use approval, then those elements of the Institutional Master Plan require review and recommendation by the City Planning Commission and final approval by the City Council. Conditional uses are those identified as such in Table 15-1. For those projects that do not meet the sign standards of the underlying zoning district, design review of the Institutional Signage Plan is required by the Executive Director of the City Planning Commission and the Design Advisory Committee.

Adopted by Ord 28937 MCS, 2-17-22, ZD 82/21