New Orleans Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance

Printed: 4/23/2024 10:31:18 PM

15.1 Purpose Statements

15.1.A Purpose of the C-1 General Commercial District   

The C-1 General Commercial District is intended to provide appropriate locations for a variety of commercial activities, generally serving a wide area and located particularly along commercial corridors with a mix of commercial, service, and residential activities. Areas of the C-1 District are oriented toward pedestrians but also accommodate larger commercial uses generally accessed by automobiles. 

15.1.B Purpose of the C-2 Auto-Oriented Commercial District   

The C-2 Auto-Oriented Commercial District is intended for a wide variety of commercial activities, generally serving a wide area and located along major arterials. The C-2 District is intended for large-scale, auto-oriented commercial uses and strip commercial developments, which require significant parking. The C-2 District is also intended to accommodate marine-oriented commercial and recreational uses along major bodies of water.

15.1.C Purpose of the C-3 Heavy Commercial District   

The C-3 Heavy Commercial District is intended to provide for auto-oriented heavy commercial uses and large-scale shopping centers. Standards for the C-3 District are designed to maintain and enhance the appearance of these areas, and to provide adequate buffering between any residential and lower-intensity commercial properties adjacent to the district.

15.1.D Purpose of the MU-1 Medium Intensity Mixed-Use District   

The MU-1 Medium Intensity Mixed-Use District is intended to encourage walkable neighborhood centers and corridors, with a mix of residential and commercial uses. Buildings may contain vertical mixed-use as well as single purpose uses designed to provide transitions to adjacent lower density residential areas.

15.1.E Purpose of the MU-2 High Intensity Mixed-Use District   

The MU-2 High Intensity Mixed-Use District is intended encourage walkable neighborhood centers and corridors conducive to transit, with a mix of residential and supportive commercial and office uses. Buildings may contain vertical mixed-use as well as single purpose uses designed to be located both at neighborhood centers and along major arterial corridors. 

15.1.F Purpose of the EC Educational Campus District   

The EC Educational Campus District is intended for large university campus developments to facilitate an orderly and efficient regulation process for these types of uses. The district establishes a process that is flexible enough to accommodate evolving changes and expansions in campus plans, and creates the proper transitions between campus activities and adjacent neighborhoods. Within the district, development will proceed in accordance with an approved Institutional Master Plan that relates to the adjacent district, the surrounding neighborhoods, and needs of the universities.

15.1.G Purpose of the MC Medical Campus District   

The MC Medical Campus District is intended for medical campuses and the accompanying medical-related support services, including offices, research facilities and commercial uses, to facilitate an orderly and efficient regulation process for these types of uses. The district establishes a process that is flexible enough to accommodate evolving changes and expansion in medical campus plans, and creates the proper transitions between hospital activities and adjacent neighborhoods. Within the district, development will proceed in accordance with an approved Institutional Master Plan that relates to the adjacent district, the surrounding neighborhoods, and needs of the hospital.

15.1.H Purpose of the MS Medical Service District   

The MS Medical Service District is intended for local hospitals and medical service facilities of lower intensity than large medical campuses. The MS District is intended for hospitals, and hospital-related and support services that are generally integrated within and connected to adjacent areas of commercial and residential development. 

15.1.I Purpose of the LS Life Science Mixed-Use District   

The LS Life Science Mixed-Use District is intended to provide a district that is focused on life sciences research, including research, development, medical and limited manufacturing activity. In addition to life science research and development uses, the area is also intended to be more mixed-use in nature, by also allowing higher density residential and supportive commercial uses to serve those that live and work within the district. 

15.1.J Purpose of the Commercial Center & Institutional Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning Sub-Districts   

The Commercial Center and Institutional Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning Sub-Districts are intended to include mandatory affordable housing requirements, in accordance with Article 28, in districts that allow the development of ten or more dwelling units.

Adopted by Ord. 28036 MCS, Sec. 1, March 28, 2019, ZD 112/18