New Orleans Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance
Printed: 11/3/2024 9:16:29 AM
14.1 Purpose Statements
14.1.A Purpose of the S-B1 Suburban Business District
The S-B1 Neighborhood Business District is intended to provide primarily for retail shopping and personal service uses that primarily serve nearby residential neighborhoods. The general character of this type of development should be sensitive to and compatible with more suburban residential surroundings.
14.1.B Purpose of the S-B2 Pedestrian-Oriented Corridor Business District
The S-B2 Pedestrian-Oriented Corridor Business District is intended for clusters of pedestrian-oriented business uses generally located along corridors. The district regulations are designed to encourage compatibility with adjacent or nearby suburban residential uses and maintain the pedestrian-oriented character of the area.
14.1.C Purpose of the S-LB1 Lake Area Neighborhood Business District
The S-LB1 Lake Area Neighborhood Business District is intended to provide for small offices, retail shopping and personal services uses, to be developed either as a unit or in individual parcels, to serve the needs of nearby low-density residential neighborhoods in a manner compatible with adjacent residential uses.
14.1.D Purpose of the S-LB2 Lake Area Neighborhood Business District
The S-LB2 Lake Area Neighborhood Business District is intended to provide for larger retail shopping venues and personal services uses, to be developed either as a unit or in individual parcels, to serve the needs of a relatively nearby small area of low to medium density residential neighborhoods.
14.1.E Purpose of the S-LC Lake Area General Commercial District
The S-LC Lake Area General Commercial District is intended to provide sufficient space in appropriate locations for a wide variety of commercial and miscellaneous service activities, generally serving a wide area and located particularly along certain existing major thoroughfares. The district is intended for application in intensely developed areas. Tall buildings are permitted, no front yards are required, and sign regulations are less restrictive than those in other business districts. This district also allows higher residential densities when a project is providing significant public benefits such as long-term affordable housing.
Adopted by Ord. No. 28,911, §6, January 6, 2022, Zoning Docket 084/21
14.1.F Purpose of the S-LP Lake Area Neighborhood Park District
The S-LP Lake Area Neighborhood Park District is intended to provide for small neighborhood-scale passive open space and recreational areas intended to compliment existing residential neighborhoods or transportation corridors. Such land may include small parks and recreation space, open space, greenways, floodways, trails, and lands with unique physical, aesthetic, or cultural characteristics. It is intended that these areas provide opportunities for passive outdoor recreation, preserve scenic views, and protect fragile environmental areas.
14.1.G Purpose of the S-LM Lake Area Marina District
The S-LM Lake Area Marina District is intended to accommodate the variety of commercial, open space, and water-related and outdoor recreational uses within the West End. This district also allows higher residential densities when a project is providing significant public benefits such as long-term affordable housing.
Adopted by Ord. No. 28,911, §6, January 6, 2022, Zoning Docket 084/21
14.1.H Purpose of the S-MU Suburban Neighborhood Mixed-Use District
The S-MU Suburban Neighborhood Mixed-Use District is intended for areas of multi-family residential development to be developed as mixed-use areas, with ground floor neighbor-serving commercial uses and residential uses above. This district also allows higher residential densities when a project is providing significant public benefits such as long-term affordable housing. Commercial uses that primarily serve nearby residential surroundings are encouraged.