New Orleans Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance

Printed: 10/15/2024 12:34:47 AM

13.3.B.4.a Ground Floor of Multi-Family Dwellings

i Portions of the non-habitable ground floor façade not used for building access or fenestration shall be designed according to the following requirements:

(1) For multi-family buildings that use the ground floor for common tenant facilities (such as a fitness room, laundry facility, or meeting space), foundation landscape and/or grading shall be used to screen the portion of the wall between the existing grade and a line three (3) feet above the existing grade.  (See Figure 13-2: Multi-Family Ground Floor) On the portion of the ground floor façade above this line, windows shall be provided that create an appropriate level of transparency and reflect the character of the upper floor façade design. Landscape may be omitted directly in front of windows or doors in order to provide adequate interior light and access.



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(2) For multi-family buildings that do not use the ground floor for common resident facilities, or if it is used for utility spaces such as vehicular parking, storage, or building infrastructure, foundation grading shall be provided such that the grading meets the building façade at a point four (4) feet above the existing grade.