New Orleans Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance

Printed: 4/23/2024 6:52:14 PM

12.1 Purpose Statements

12.1.A Purpose of the HU-B1A Neighborhood Business District   

The HU-B1A Neighborhood Business District is intended to address an individual parcel or small cluster of parcels in non-residential use that exist within residential areas that have historically served the neighborhood and are located on a corner, including established corner stores. These historic neighborhood business uses are consistent with the character of the surrounding neighborhood and are intended to serve the immediate area with minimal impact on the surrounding residential uses. This district also allows higher residential densities when a project is providing significant public benefits such as long-term affordable housing.

Adopted by Ord. No. 28,911, §4, January 6, 2022, Zoning Docket 84/21

12.1.B Purpose of the HU-B1 Neighborhood Business District   

The HU-B1 Neighborhood Business District is intended for commercial areas that predominantly serve the needs of the nearby residential neighborhoods. The general character of this type of development should be sensitive to and compatible with its residential surroundings. In addition to commercial uses, this district provides for single-family dwellings, two-family dwellings and can accommodate small-scale multi-family dwellings. This district also allows higher residential densities when a project is providing significant public benefits such as long-term affordable housing.

Adopted by Ord. No. 28,911, §4, January 6, 2022, Zoning Docket 84/21

12.1.C Purpose of the HU-MU Neighborhood Mixed-Use District   

The HU-MU Neighborhood Mixed-Use District is intended for areas of mixed-use development that are close to residential neighborhoods. The district regulations are designed to encourage mixed-use areas that are compatible with adjacent or nearby land uses and pedestrian-oriented in character. In the HU-MU District, active retail and personal service uses along the ground floor with residential uses above are encouraged. A variety of residential dwellings are also allowed. This district also allows higher residential densities when a project is providing significant public benefits such as long-term affordable housing.

Adopted by Ord. No. 28,911, §4, January 6, 2022, Zoning Docket 84/21

12.1.D Purpose of the Historic Urban Neighborhoods Non-Residential Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning Sub-Districts   

The Historic Urban Neighborhoods Non-Residential Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning Sub-Districts are intended to include mandatory affordable housing requirements, in accordance with Article 28, in districts that allow the development of ten or more dwelling units.