New Orleans Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance

Printed: 4/19/2024 5:41:13 PM

22.3 Computation of Parking and Loading Requirements

The total number of required parking and loading spaces is based upon the requirements for the principal use or uses located on the lot.

A.  Where multiple uses with different parking requirements occupy the same structure or lot, the required vehicle and bicycle parking and loading spaces is the sum of the requirements for each use computed separately, unless otherwise permitted by this Ordinance.

B.  Space allocated to any off-street loading space may not be used to satisfy the requirement for any off-street vehicle or bicycle parking space or access aisle or portion thereof. Conversely, the area allocated to any off-street vehicle or bicycle parking space may not be used to satisfy the replacement for any off-street loading space or portion thereof.

C.  A fraction of less than one-half (½) is disregarded, and a fraction of one-half (½) or more is counted as one (1) parking or loading space.

D.  For uses where patrons or spectators utilize benches, pews or open floor areas used for service, each twenty-four (24) linear inches of benches, pews, or permanent seating areas, or five (5) square feet of open floor areas used for seating is counted as one (1) seat for the purpose of determining the requirement for the required number of spaces.