New Orleans Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance

Printed: 4/26/2024 5:12:36 PM

20.3.DDD Solar Energy System



Size of System Utility Scale
Ground-Mounted Solar Systems Small-Scale Large-Scale
Site Area Allotted  Up to 5 Acres   Greater than 5 Acres 

A. General Provisions:

The installation and construction of a principal use solar energy system is subject to the following use standards:

i. Only manufacturer and equipment information, warning signs, or ownership information is allowed to be displayed on site.

ii. Solar panels shall be placed so that concentrated solar radiation or glare is not directed into nearby properties or roadways.

iii. On-site and collective power lines shall be placed underground to the maximum extent possible.

iv. Abandonment or Decommissioning: Any solar energy system that has reached the end of its useful life or has not been producing energy for more than one (1) year shall be removed. The owner or operator shall physically remove the installation no more than 365 days after the date of discontinued operations. Decommission shall be in accordance with the requirements of Safety and Permits.

B. Provisions for a Small-Scale Ground Mounted Principal Use Solar Energy System that is ground-mounted are as follows:

i. Muse be five (5) acres or less in area.

ii. Shall adhere to the following setback standards:

a. a twenty (20) foot setback buffer from street-facing or residential facing property lines.

b. Power Inverter(s) or other sound producing equipment shall be located a minimum of thirty (30) feet from any property boundary line or public right-of-way.

c. The solar energy facility may not impede any rail, airport, or transportation pathway.

iii. Permeability - The area covered by panels shall adhere to the requirements of the base zoning district.

iv. A landscape yard measuring at least twenty (20) feet in depth and compliant with Section 23.6.A shall be provided along the street facing side of the property and shall be maintained for the life of the facility's operations.

v. Screening - Ground-mounted small-scale solar energy systems shall have fencing/screening submitted as part of the site plan and may utilize screening methods including plantings, strategic use of berms, and/or fencing deemed adequate by the solar developer for safety and protection of solar assets.

C. Provisions for a Large-Scale Ground-Mounted Accessory Use Solar Energy System are as follows:

i. Must be over five (5) acres in area.

ii. Setback -

a. Shall have a minimum twenty (20) foot setback buffer from all property lines.

b. Power inverter(s) or other sound producing equipment shall be located a minimum of one hundred and twenty (120) feet from any property boundary line or public right-of-way.

iii. Permeability - The area covered by panels shall adhere to the regulations of the base zoning district.

iv. A landscape yard measuring at least twenty (20) feet in depth and compliant with Section 23.6.A shall be provided along the street facing side of the property and shall be maintained for the life of the facility's operations.

v. Screening - 

a. Large-scale ground mounted accessory use solar energy systems shall have fencing/screening submitted as part of the site plan and may utilize screening methods including plantings, strategic use of berms, and/or fencing deemed adequate by the solar developer for safety and protection of solar assets. 

b. Any fencing deemed necessary by solar developers should be constructed of wildfire permeable materials (designed with sections that allow small mammals easy safe passage through the facility, so they are not separated from food sources and habitat areas) with capability to lock if fencing, and not vegetative screening, is implemented.

c. Fencing for security and protection of inverters and connections to the utility grid to protect the assets from damage and vandalism and provide safety and security to the site.



Ord. 29744, 12-8-23, Zoning Docket 055-23