New Orleans Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance

Printed: 4/19/2024 12:10:43 AM

15.5.G.1 Institutional Signage Plan Submittal

An Institutional Signage Plan shall show the journey of the user from the public street before reaching the hospital campus to parking areas and other pedestrian entries until the user reaches their destination at the main entry or other building access points. The plan shall address the general layout of the entire area, including all structures, traffic pattern plan, parking plan, and access points, and shall include the following:

1.  Boundaries of the campus, the location of all existing and proposed structures and uses intended and the location of all off-street parking spaces.

2.  Existing and proposed signage with overall height, width, and materials. Building elevation (including building width and height), site plan showing the location of all signs along with setback dimensions.

3.  External and internal traffic circulation plans, including traffic ingress and egress locations, pedestrian circulation, bicycle circulation, linkages between campuses, and public transit access as well as the relationship of the site to the surrounding area.

4.   A written statement including a description of the existing signage, proposed signage and the need for specific variances from the signage requirements in Article 24. Discuss any alternatives that were considered as well as any architectural and landscape architectural components that are being made to complement the wayfinding strategy.

5.  Institutional design standards.

To the extent any of the information required in an Institutional Signage Plan is already reflected in an approved Institutional Master Plan, an applicant need not resubmit the information, provided the applicant provides a citation to the portion of the Institutional Master Plan where the information may be found.

Ord 28937 MCS, 2-17-22, ZD 82/21