New Orleans Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance

Printed: 4/25/2024 6:30:58 PM

22.11.C Cross-Access Servitudes

1.  Adjacent commercial uses that possess dedicated parking areas are encouraged to provide a cross-access drive to allow circulation between sites. For new commercial, office, and service uses, a system of joint use driveways and cross-access servitudes is encouraged where feasible. Commercial property owners are encouraged to pursue cross-access with neighboring property owners at the time of development. (See Figure 22-10: Cross-Access Servitudes)

2.  Joint use driveways and cross-access servitudes shall incorporate the following:

a.  A minimum width of twelve (12) feet with no adjacent parking to ensure two-way travel aisles to accommodate automobiles, service vehicles and loading vehicles.

b.  Bump-outs and other design features to make it visually obvious that the abutting properties are tied together.

c.  A unified access and circulation plan for coordinated or shared parking areas.

3.   Pursuant to this section, property owners who establish cross-access servitudes shall:

a.  Record a servitude allowing cross-access to and from properties served by the joint use driveways and cross-access servitude.

b.  Record a servitude that remaining access rights along the roadway will be dedicated to the City, and that any pre-existing driveways will be closed and eliminated after construction of the joint-use driveway.

c.  Record a joint maintenance agreement defining the maintenance responsibilities of each property owner.


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