New Orleans Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance

Printed: 4/25/2024 1:02:20 PM

17.6 Multi-Modal/Pedestrian Corridor Design Standards

17.6.A Purpose   

Certain streets within the CBD Districts are designated multi-modal/pedestrian corridors. (See Figure 17-6: Multi-Modal/Pedestrian Corridors) The purpose is to preserve and enhance the function of certain streets that serve multiple modes of transportation by creating a safe and comfortable environment for the pedestrian, those using mobility devices, transit rider, and bicyclist. The regulations are intended to promote economic development by ensuring efficient access to and between the Central Business District’s commercial, entertainment, and employment centers. Multi-modal/pedestrian corridors exhibit a combination of the following transit-oriented development characteristics:

1.  These corridors serve as the location of designated light rail lines, streetcar lines or bicycle routes.

2.  These corridors serve as the important link between transportation connections.

3.  These corridors exhibit a concentrated pattern of civic, cultural, or retail establishments.



17.6.B Effective Date   

The building design standards below are requirements for all buildings constructed as of the effective date of this Ordinance.

17.6.C Designation and Boundaries   

Multi-modal/pedestrian corridors are identified below and illustrated in Figure 17-6. The multi-modal/pedestrian corridors designation applies to all lots that abut the corridor.

1.    St. Charles Avenue, Howard Avenue/Andrew Higgins Drive to Canal Street, including the curvilinear portion of St. Charles Avenue that abuts the public space known as Lee Circle

2.    Canal Street, Claiborne Avenue to Convention Center Boulevard

3.    Magazine Street, Canal Street to the Pontchartrain Expressway

4.    Poydras Street, Claiborne Avenue to Convention Center Boulevard

5.    Julia Street, Loyola Avenue to Convention Center Boulevard

6.    Camp Street, Andrew Higgins Drive to Canal Street

7.    Andrew Higgins Drive, St. Charles Avenue to Convention Boulevard

8.    North Rampart Street, Canal Street to Iberville Street

9.    Howard Avenue, St. Charles Avenue to Baronne Street

10.  Baronne Street, Howard Avenue to Canal Street   

11.  Convention Center Boulevard, Canal Street to the Pontchartrain Expressway

12.  Loyola Avenue, Canal Street to the Pontchartrain Expressway

13.  Carondelet Street, Canal Street to Howard Avenue

14.  Bourbon Street, Canal Street to Iberville Street

15.  Tulane Avenue, Claiborne Avenue to Loyola Avenue/Elk Place

16.  Tchoupitoulas Street, Canal Street to Andrew Higgins Drive

17.  Girod Street, Loyola Avenue to Baronne Street

18.  Dauphine Street, Canal Street to Iberville Street

19.  Royal Street, Canal Street to Iberville Street

20.  Chartres Street, Canal Street to Iberville Street

21.  Decatur Street, Canal Street to Iberville Street

17.6.D Building Design   

1.  The first floor of structures shall be designed with a minimum ceiling height of fourteen (14) feet. The façade that faces the corridor shall maintain a minimum transparency of fifty percent (50%). The bottom of any window used to satisfy this requirement may not be more than four and one-half (4.5) feet above the adjacent sidewalk. Windows shall be constructed of clear or lightly tinted glass. Tinting above twenty percent (20%) or reflective glass is prohibited.

2.  All façades along the corridor shall include architectural features to avoid the appearance of blank walls facing the street. These include, but are not limited to, changes in the wall plane of at least six (6) inches such as an offset, reveal, pilaster, or projecting rib, changes in wall texture or masonry patterns, colonnade, columns, or pilasters. All elements shall repeat at intervals of a maximum of twenty-five (25) feet.

3.  Ventilation grates, emergency exit doors, and similar functional elements located on the façade along the corridor shall be designed as decorative elements and integrated into the overall building design.

4.  Structures shall maintain a primary entrance that fronts on the corridor. Building entrances may include doors to individual shops and businesses, lobby entrances, entrances to pedestrian plazas, or entrances to a cluster of retail goods establishments or other non-residential uses that are open to the public.

5.  The site shall be designed to ensure safe pedestrian access to the building from the street and from any parking areas. Safe pedestrian access to and from adjacent buildings is also required. Sidewalks shall extend to the lot line and connect to existing sidewalks on abutting property.

6.  Mid-building pedestrian passages are encouraged. Such passageways shall be designed to be safe and well lit, providing convenient pedestrian access to and from areas such as parking lots and adjacent buildings, and/or service streets from the opposite sides of a building. Any passage shall be a minimum of eight (8) feet in width.

7. Building design shall be reviewed so that the primary entrance, travel between buildings, parking structures and safe pedestrian access points are physically accessible to allow full access and use by a person utilizing a mobility device.

8.  When a ground floor parking structure is located along a corridor, it shall be subject to the ground story use restrictions in 17.3.B. Parking access to a parking structure is prohibited along multi-modal corridors.

9.  Garage entrances, driveways, or loading bays are prohibited along a multi-modal pedestrian corridor unless eligible and granted conditional use approval in accordance with Article 22, Section 22.11.B Curb Cuts.

10.  Bicycle parking is required in accordance with Article 22. Bicycle parking racks are encouraged to be decorative elements.

11.  If a property abutting a multi-modal/pedestrian corridor is within the jurisdiction the New Orleans Historic District Landmarks Commission and/or the Central Business District Historic District Landmarks Commission, development of such property is subject to the approval of such Commission. Applicants shall refer to and comply with the Historic District Landmarks Commission procedures in the City Code. The New Orleans Historic District Landmarks Commission and/or Central Business District Historic District Landmarks Commission shall have no jurisdiction over use.

Adopted by Ord. 29126, 8-12-22, ZD016/22

17.6.E Variances of Building Design Standards   

A property owner may submit an application for a variance of any Multi-Modal/Pedestrian Corridor building design standard to the Board of Zoning Adjustments in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.6.